Instituto de Financiamiento e Información para la Educación del Estado de Guanajuato

Nuevos destinos y oportunidades para la comunidad exportadora de Guanajuato durante 2019

Ante un 2020 lleno de retos, es importante conocer el trabajo previo y las áreas de oportunidad que tiene la comunidad exportadora para sumar esfuerzos y generar estrategias transversales que mantengan a Guanajuato como uno de los estados con mayor crecimiento y movimiento de capital al extranjero. 

Para la Coordinadora de Fomento al Comercio Exterior del Estado de Guanajuato, el 2019 representó un año de cambios y modificaciones en la mentalidad de la comunidad exportadora al momento de llevar sus productos a otras partes del mundo, situación que generó que lo hecho en Guanajuato llegará a nuevos e inimaginables mercados.

A decir de Carlos Rodríguez Martín del Campo, Director de Capacitación y Certificaciones Internacionales de COFOCE, los empresarios guanajuatenses están más conscientes de lo importante que es estar preparados e informados sobre los cambios de la economía global e integrar a sus estrategias de comercialización para exportar al mundo al campo digital.

“El año pasado para nosotros fue muy importante porque logramos concretar un convenio como Alibaba Business School que nos permite  integrar el capital humano de COFOCE y de las empresas guanajuatenses exportadoras a un programa que se llama “Global eCommerce Talent” que es insignia dentro de esta empresa para poder desarrollar talento digital y poder promover las exportaciones”, señaló Martín del Campo.

Destacó que las Certificaciones Internacionales son necesarias para incursionar en el comercio exterior, pues ahí está la clave para que los productos sean o no recibidos en otros mercados. 

“Son fundamentales porque de hecho la Certificación Internacional es requerimiento, un cumplimiento de requerimiento para lograr exportar, también te abre la puerta para que el cliente internacional reciba tus productos porque muchas veces se hacen en base a las especificaciones y requerimientos del cliente”, puntualizó.

Uno de los errores más comunes que llegan a cometer los empresarios locales es no adecuar sus productos al mercado internacional; por ello, al recibir orientación y conseguir una certificación, la marca genera un valor especial sobre todo para la persona que decide estar a la vanguardia de lo que pasa en el mundo.  

“Hablando del talento humano, la certificación es una necesidad imperante porque continuamente el Comercio Internacional está teniendo cambios, así como nosotros en México se crean nuevas leyes, normatividades y políticas, imagínate en los 130 países, a los más de 130 países a los que llegan los productos de Guanajuato, pues son un cambio también en cada uno de los países en donde el exportador tiene que cumplir con esas normatividades”, finalizó.

Resultados del Comercio Exterior 2019

Para Guanajuato el 2019, trajo una serie de aprendizaje y áreas de oportunidad que aprovecharon al máximo los empresarios del estado; estos son los resultados en materia de comercio exterior:

Durante 2019, las exportaciones de Guanajuato generaron 20 mil 666 millones de dólares, a través de 1,188 empresas y el trabajo de 170,865 personas.

De acuerdo a su participación sobre el total de las exportaciones del estado, los principales sectores económicos fueron:

Autopartes: 30.5%

Agro industrial: 8.0% 

Metalmecánica: 6.7%

Clúster moda: 2.8%

Cosméticos y cuidado personal: 2.5%

En este periodo Guanajuato exportó a 132 países; entre los principales países destino de exportación se encuentran Estados Unidos (con 17,461MDD), Canadá (939 MDM), Colombia (397 MDD), Alemania (212 MDD) y China (180 MDD).

32 municipios registraron exportaciones, entre los que más exportan se encuentran:

-Silao (12,003MDD) 58.1%  

-Celaya (1,636 MDD) 7.9%

-Irapuato (1,628 MDD) 7.9%

-Salamanca (1,405 MDD) 6.8%

-León (935 MDD) 4.5% 

Durante el 2019, se exportaron 140 nuevos productos por un monto de 15.7 millones de dólares entre los que destacan: plomo en bruto y refinado; manufacturas de caucho vulcanizado sin endurecer; máquinas, aparatos y artefactos agrícolas, hortícolas o silvícolas, para la preparación o el trabajo del suelo; motores para la propulsión de barcos; máquinas y aparatos para preparar alimentos para animales.

Nuevas empresas exportadoras   

2019 fue un gran año para 105 empresas de Guanajuato que decidieron sumarse al comercio exterior.

Sus productos pertenecen a 17 industrias, destacan:

-Proveeduría Cuero y Calzado 29%

-Metal-Mecánica 17%

-Calzado 16%

-Agroindustrial 10%

-Autopartes / Materiales para la construcción / Pieles y Cueros / Otras industrias 5% c/u

-Resto de industrias: 8%

Estas marcas llegaron a destinos como Estados Unidos, Guatemala, El Salvador, Francia, Chile, Perú, Vietnam, Dinamarca, Costa Rica, China, Islas Vírgenes, Colombia y Cuba.

¿En qué municipios se localizan estas nuevas empresas exportadoras?

-León (65%)

-Irapuato (9%)

-Celaya (7%)

-San Francisco del Rincón (6%)

-Dolores Hidalgo (3%)

-Silao (3%)

-Salamanca (2%) 

-Villagrán (2%)

-Acámbaro, San José Iturbide, Yuriria, Salvatierra, Apaseo el grande, Moroleón, Uriangato y Guanajuato (1 c/u)

Estimaciones de COFOCE con información del SAT

Asiste el Secretario de Gobierno a celebración nacional japonesa.

  •  Esfuerzo, valor y unión, características de la cultura japonesa.
  • Las puertas de Guanajuato siempre estarán abiertas para la comunidad nipona.

León, Gto., 11 de marzo 2020.-  El Secretario de Gobierno asistió a la Celebración de la Fiesta Nacional, por el cumpleaños de su Majestad, el emperador Naruhito de Japón

         El funcionario estatal, quien acudió a esta celebración en representación de, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, Gobernador de Guanajuato, reconoció la riqueza cultural del pueblo japonés; dijo que es sinónimo de esfuerzo, valor y honor.

“Admiramos el profundo respeto a sus tradiciones y su constancia para mantenerlas vivas”.

A nombre del Gobierno del Estado, reiteró la solidaridad y el compromiso de Guanajuato, para seguir construyendo lazos de fraternidad entre dos pueblos que se identifican por su fortaleza e ímpetu para enfrentar cualquier situación.

Las puertas de Guanajuato y su gobierno siempre estarán abiertas para la comunidad japonesa, dijo.

En el Estado de Guanajuato, hay aproximadamente 2 mil 300 personas de origen japonés y 200 empresas niponas, que cotidianamente contribuyen a su crecimiento y desarrollo.

El Presidente Municipal de León, Héctor López Santillana, dijo que Japón y Guanajuato son dos culturas unidas por el deseo de favorecer el desarrollo de las familias y tienen un gran valor en común; pues ambas son producto de la cultura del esfuerzo.

En este acto se contó con la presencia de Luis Ernesto Ayala Torres, Secretario de Gobierno; Héctor López Santillana, Presidente Municipal de León; Kayoko Furukawa, Cónsul General de Japón en León; Yasushi Takase, Embajador de Japón en México, Masaaki Saito, Presidente sede Guanajuato de la Cámara Japonesa de Comercio e Industria de México A.C. y Miguel Márquez Márquez, ex gobernador de Guanajuato.

SICES abre convocatorias para becas en el extranjero

Silao, Gto., a 10 de marzo de 2020.- La Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Educación Superior (SICES) abre las convocatorias: Becas al Extranjero, Apoyo a Becarios de Posgrado y Apoyo a Investigadores 2020, para otorgar becas nacionales e internacionales a estudiantes de licenciatura y posgrado, así como a investigadores y tecnólogos emprendedores.

Como parte del programa Becas al Extranjero que realiza la SICES en conjunto con el CONACYT, se abre la convocatoria para apoyar a los egresados de licenciatura, originarios o que residan en el estado de Guanajuato, para realizar estudios de posgrado en el extranjero.

Esta beca ofrece apoyos económicos para la formación de profesionales mexicanos a nivel maestría y doctorado, se apoyan diferentes rubros por un monto de hasta 300 mil pesos anuales para inscripción, manutención y seguro médico. Es preciso señalar que el monto que se asigna es dependiendo del país al que vayan a cursar sus estudios de maestría o doctorado.

Si deseas inscribirte para ser acreedor a una beca, debes hacerlo antes de que cierre el registro el próximo 8 de mayo, asimismo, comienzan las evaluaciones del 18 de mayo al 25 de junio de 2020, los resultados se publicarán el 26 de junio de 2020 y el proceso de asignación y formalización será del 29 de junio de 2020 al 12 de marzo de 2021.

Si deseas participar y quieres más información debes ingresar a la siguiente liga:

Apoyo a Becarios de Posgrado

Con respecto al Apoyo a Becarios de Posgrado, está dirigido a estudiantes de posgrados nacionales o internacionales, para gastos de transportación aérea para inicio o término de su programa o para realizar estancias nacionales o internacionales. 

Este apoyo se otorgará a los estudiantes que hayan sido aceptados o estén adscritos a programas de maestría o doctorado en nuestro país o en el extranjero y consiste en el apoyo económico de máximo 15 mil pesos.

Los interesados deben presentar su solicitud para gastos de traslado aéreo para el inicio o término de su posgrado o para la realización de estancias nacional o internacional de investigación- vinculación con empresas o Instituciones Educativas o Centros Públicos de Investigación como parte de los compromisos- actividades de su programa de posgrado o beca.

Para ser beneficiario de este apoyo de transporte aéreo tienes que haber sido aceptado en alguna de las siguientes áreas de especialización inteligente que se mencionan a continuación: Aeronáutica, Automotriz y Autopartes, Agroindustria, Biología y Química, Biotecnología y Ciencias Agropecuarias, entre otras.

Los interesados deberán enviar al correo electrónico, una solicitud con los datos del becario y otros más, si deseas más información respecto a la convocatoria ingresa a la página:, la convocatoria cierra el  30 de noviembre de 2020 o bien cuando se agoten los recursos disponibles para ello.

Apoyo a investigadores y tecnólogos emprendedores

Este tipo de apoyo que proporciona la SICES a los (as) investigadoras (es) adscritos a Instituciones de Educación Superior, Centros de Investigación o empresas ubicadas en el estado de Guanajuato tiene por objetivo que presenten propuestas de apoyo para proyectos científicos y de desarrollo tecnológico, para la vinculación e incorporación de recursos humanos altamente calificados en la solución de necesidades de sectores estratégicos del Estado.

El monto máximo del apoyo económico es de hasta 100 mil pesos para cubrir los siguientes rubros: gastos de adquisición de equipo y materiales para el desarrollo del proyecto, gastos de operación para la vinculación y/o desarrollo/transferencia de tecnología.                                                               

La duración máxima del proyecto será de 6 meses para el ejercicio del recurso que se otorgue, en el caso de solicitar una prórroga será de 7 meses. Así como un mes adicional para la entrega de Informes Técnicos y Financieros.

Las áreas en las que se pueden presentar proyectos de investigación o desarrollo tecnológico son: Aeronáutica, Automotriz y Autopartes, Agroindustria, Biología y Química, Biotecnología y Ciencias Agropecuarias, Cuero, Calzado, Textil y Vestido, Ingenierías, Manufactura, Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Nanotecnología, Energía y Sustentabilidad.

La convocatoria cierra el próximo viernes 20 de marzo a las 13 horas y los resultados serán publicados a partir del 29 de mayo de 2020. Puedes consultar más datos en

Mantiene SICOM en buenas condiciones puentes en carreteras estatales

  • Realiza conservación rutinaria en puentes con inversión de 2.4 MDP
  • Llevan a cabo acciones en 13 puentes de 6 municipios de la zona noroeste

Guanajuato, Gto., a 10 de marzo de 2020.- La Secretaría de Infraestructura, Conectividad y Movilidad (SICOM) trabaja de forma permanente en el mantenimiento preventivo y conservación de los 2 mil 622 kilómetros de la red carretera estatal, de la que también forman parte los puentes vehiculares, para que la misma se encuentre en buenas condiciones, procurando así que los guanajuatenses que circulan por ella lo hagan con comodidad y seguridad.

Dentro de esas labores permanentes, la SICOM lleva a cabo trabajos de mantenimiento preventivo y conservación rutinaria en los puentes que conforman las zonas Dolores Hidalgo I y II y que se encuentran en la región noroeste del Estado, interviniendo 13 puentes que se localizan en los municipios de Dolores Hidalgo, San Miguel de Allende, San Luis de la Paz, Doctor Mora, Victoria y San José Iturbide.

Para lograr la conservación rutinaria de los puentes antes referidos, la SICOM destinó un presupuesto de 2 millones 487 mil 851 pesos, mismo que ya se ha ejercido en un 81.5%, de acuerdo al reporte que realiza periódicamente cada una de las coordinaciones de la secretaría, en este caso la de Dolores Hidalgo.

Entre las tareas que se llevan a cabo para la conservación rutinaria y el mantenimiento en buenas condiciones de los puentes se encuentran acciones como colocación de pintura en superficies de concreto hidráulico, colocación de pintura en superficies metálicas, limpieza en calzada y limpieza en aproches.

De igual forma para evitar desplazamientos de tierra o derrumbes se colocan muros de mampostería, así como la construcción de guarniciones y remates; para seguridad de los usuarios se lleva a cabo la colocación de parapeto y barreras metálicas, y por último, señalamientos de tipo horizontal y vertical. 

Speedy Starts: Instant Play Casinos for Quick Thrills & Security

In today’s fast-paced world, I’m always on the lookout for quick entertainment options that don’t skimp on excitement. That’s why I’ve become a huge fan of instant play casinos. They offer the thrill of casino gaming without the time-consuming downloads or registrations. It’s all about getting straight to the fun, and I’m here to share why they’re a game-changer.

Instant play casinos have revolutionized the way I enjoy online gaming. With just a few clicks, I’m immersed in a world of slots, table games, and more, all without any hassle. It’s the perfect solution for those moments when I’m craving some quick gaming gratification. Let’s dive into why these platforms are becoming my go-to for instant entertainment.

What are Instant Play Casinos?

In my years of exploring the world of online gaming, I’ve found instant play casinos to be a game-changer. For those unfamiliar, instant play casinos allow players like me to dive straight into the action without the burden of downloads or lengthy registrations. It’s all about getting to your favorite games faster and more efficiently.

These platforms operate directly from a web browser, which means there’s no need to download software onto your computer or mobile device. This approach not only saves precious time but also ensures that players are not restricted by their device’s storage or the type of operating system they are using. Whether it’s slots, blackjack, or roulette, instant play casinos offer a wide array of games to satisfy any player’s preferences.

Something particularly noteworthy for players who cherish their privacy is how some instant play casinos operate without requiring an account. These “Casino utan Konto” (Casino without Account) platforms take convenience to a whole new level, streamlining the process even further. Players can essentially visit the site, make a deposit, and start playing immediately—no personal information needed beyond what is needed to handle transactions.

For me, the adoption of instant play casinos has been akin to a revelation. The simplicity and rapid access mean that I can indulge in my gaming sessions without the often tedious set-up process that traditional online casinos demand. Whether I’ve got a few minutes to kill or I’m settling in for an extended session, these platforms have consistently provided a seamless gaming experience.

Moreover, with advancements in technology, instant play casinos now offer games with impressive graphics and animation that rival downloadable casino software. The gap between the quality and speed of play between the two formats has significantly narrowed, making instant play options more attractive than ever.

Advantages of Instant Play Casinos

When I dive into the world of online gaming, instant play casinos stand out for their myriad of benefits, making them a go-to choice for gamers like me who value efficiency and convenience. One of the most significant advantages I’ve noticed is the sheer speed at which I can start playing. Instead of waiting for hefty software downloads and installations, I can jump straight into action, which is perfect for those moments when I’m craving a quick gaming session.

Another aspect I appreciate about instant play casinos is their compatibility. These platforms are designed to operate flawlessly across different devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. This cross-device compatibility ensures that I can enjoy my favorite games whenever and wherever I choose, without worrying about device limitations. It’s especially handy for gamers who are always on the move and rely on multiple devices throughout their day.

The variety of games available on instant play casinos is nothing short of impressive. From classic slots and table games like blackjack and roulette to live dealer games and innovative new titles, there’s always something to capture my interest. This wide selection is comparable to what’s offered on downloadable platforms, ensuring that I don’t miss out on any gaming experiences.

Lastly, the concept of online casino utan konto, or playing without registering an account, enhances privacy and reduces the time from decision to action. This feature is particularly appealing to me as it aligns with the overall promise of instant play casinos—uncomplicated access to gaming without the usual hurdles of registrations and account verifications.

Each of these advantages underscores why instant play casinos are not just a convenient option for online gaming but also a highly attractive one for those of us looking for quick, hassle-free gaming gratification.

Popular Games Available in Instant Play Casinos

When it comes to instant play casinos, I’m excited to share that the range of games you can enjoy is truly astonishing. One might think that the quick access might limit the options, but it’s the opposite. From classic slots to live dealer games, instant play platforms have something for everyone. They brilliantly bridge the gap between convenience and the thrill of casino gaming.

Slots are, without a doubt, the stars of the show. They’re not only easy to play but also come with diverse themes and incredible jackpots. Whether it’s the lure of progressive jackpots or the charm of traditional fruit machines, slots ensure that there’s never a dull moment.

Table games fan? You’re in luck. Blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker are all available, crafted to replicate the excitement of physical casinos. What’s fascinating is how these games blend classic gameplay with modern features, like live dealers, to provide a full-bodied gaming experience.

For those looking for something a bit different, instant play casinos also offer video poker, craps, and various wheel games. These options provide a nice break from the usual, offering unique rules and enticing payouts.

Interestingly, the concept of an “Online Casino utan Konto” (online casino without an account) is gaining popularity in certain regions, allowing players to bypass the registration process altogether. This enhances the speed and convenience factor, making instant play casinos even more appealing to players who prefer quick gaming gratification.

Games in instant play casinos are designed to cater to all levels of players, from beginners to seasoned veterans. So, whether you’re in for a quick session or a longer gaming journey, these casinos are ready to deliver an incredible array of games right at your fingertips.

How to Choose the Best Instant Play Casino

Choosing the right instant play casino for quick gaming gratification can seem daunting at first, but with the right knowledge, it’s quite straightforward. I’ve navigated through dozens of platforms and learned a few key aspects that every player should consider to ensure they’re making a wise choice.

First, the variety of games offered is paramount. A top-notch instant play casino should cater to all types of players, offering a wide range of games including slots, table games, video poker, and even live dealer games. The inclusion of Online Casino utan Konto is a bonus, allowing for even quicker access to gaming without the hassle of registration.

Security is another critical factor. I always ensure that the casino I play at uses the latest encryption technology to protect my personal and financial information. It’s also vital that the casino is licensed and regulated by reputable authorities, ensuring fairness and reliability in all games.

Customer support should never be overlooked. No matter how seamless a platform seems, there’s always a chance you’ll need assistance. I look for casinos that offer 24/7 customer service through multiple channels like live chat, email, and phone. Quick and helpful responses are key indicators of a casino’s dedication to its players.

Promotions and bonuses can also add value to your gaming experience. I seek out instant play casinos that offer generous welcome bonuses, free spins, and loyalty programs. These perks can significantly enhance your playing time and chances of winning without requiring additional deposits.

In my journey, I’ve also paid attention to user reviews and testimonials. They provide genuine insights into the player experience and can highlight any potential red flags or notable advantages that aren’t immediately apparent.

By keeping these aspects in mind, choosing the best instant play casino becomes less about luck and more about making an informed decision.

Embracing Quick Gaming Gratification

In the vast and vibrant world of online gaming, the allure of instant play casinos is undeniable. For gamers like me who yearn for a hassle-free and swift gaming session, these platforms are a game-changer. They eliminate the need for tedious downloads or lengthy account creation processes, propelling you directly into action. This instant access aligns perfectly with the modern player’s demand for quick and convenient gaming gratification.

Security and efficiency are paramount in these online casinos, catering to players who appreciate the value of time and safety. I’ve found that the leading instant play casinos not only offer a vast array of games but also ensure that your personal and financial information is protected with state-of-the-art security measures. This peace of mind is crucial, allowing players to immerse themselves in the gaming experience without concerns. Websites like can provide further insights and recommendations for players seeking reputable online casinos that prioritize security and efficiency.

The concept of an “Online Casino utan Konto” or casino without an account is particularly appealing. It’s designed for players who prefer to avoid the cumbersome process of account verification and directly enjoy the thrill of online gaming. This approach not only saves time but also adds an extra layer of privacy, a feature that’s highly valued in the online realm.

Promotions and bonuses in these instant play casinos are also tailored for immediate enjoyment. Instead of waiting for rewards to activate, they’re often instantly available, enhancing the gaming experience from the get-go. Whether it’s free spins, cashback, or match bonuses, these incentives make each gaming session more rewarding and exciting.

Navigating through the world of instant play casinos has shown me the significance of choosing platforms that prioritize quick access, robust security, and generous promotions. As I explore various games and casinos, it’s clear that immediate gratification in the gaming world isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity for players seeking thrilling and secure gaming adventures.


Instant play casinos have truly revolutionized the way I engage with online gaming, offering a seamless blend of speed, security, and satisfaction. They’ve made it possible for me to dive into my favorite games without the wait, ensuring that every moment spent gaming is packed with excitement. The concept of “Online Casino utan Konto” has been a game-changer, providing me with a hassle-free way to enjoy gaming while keeping my personal information private. With the added allure of instant bonuses and promotions, my gaming experiences have become more rewarding than ever. It’s clear that for anyone looking to maximize their gaming thrills with minimal fuss, instant play casinos are the way to go.

Effortless Fun: Top No-Signup Casinos for Efficient Entertainment

In today’s fast-paced world, I’m always on the lookout for quick and easy entertainment options. That’s why I’ve become a huge fan of no-hassle, registration-free casino experiences. They offer the thrill of the game without the tedious signup processes or the need to remember yet another password.

I’ve discovered that these platforms are not only user-friendly but also incredibly efficient. Whether it’s a spur-of-the-moment decision to play or a planned session, I can dive right into the action. This seamless approach to online gaming has completely transformed my entertainment routine, making it more accessible and enjoyable than ever before.

Benefits of Registration-Free Casinos

Exploring the vast world of online gaming, I’ve come to appreciate the unique advantages that registration-free or “no account” casinos offer. These platforms, sometimes referred to as “Online Casino utan Konto” in Swedish at, which translates to “Online Casino without Account,” streamline the gaming experience in remarkable ways.

One major benefit I’ve noticed is the speed of access. Without the need to go through a traditional registration process, I can dive into my favorite games almost instantly. This immediate access means there’s no waiting around for account verification emails or navigating through lengthy sign-up forms. For someone who values their time, this is a game-changer.

Then there’s the aspect of privacy and security. By not having to provide personal details or financial information upfront, I feel a greater sense of security. These casinos typically use Trustly’s Pay N Play service, which handles deposits and withdrawals seamlessly without compromising personal data. It’s comforting to know that my information is less exposed online.

Another point worth mentioning is the simplified banking process. With no account casinos, the deposit and withdrawal process is streamlined. Since everything is handled through secure payment service providers, I don’t have to remember additional login credentials or enter payment details for each transaction. It’s all about making the gaming experience as hassle-free as possible.

Lastly, I’ve noticed these platforms often offer a more tailored gaming experience. Without the clutter of excessive marketing emails or promotions, I can focus on what I enjoy most – the games. Plus, many registration-free casinos are quick to adapt to player preferences, offering the latest and most popular games.

Registration-free casinos have significantly enhanced the way I enjoy online gaming. The convenience, speed, and security they offer align perfectly with my lifestyle and preferences, paving the way for a more enjoyable and stress-free entertainment experience.

Instant Access to Games

In my journey exploring the seamless world of online gaming, I’ve discovered an unbeatable advantage of registration-free casinos: instant access to games. Unlike traditional platforms, where you’re bogged down by lengthy sign-up forms, no account casinos cut straight to the chase. It’s about jumping into action the moment the mood strikes, and for someone like me who values efficient entertainment, it’s a game-changer.

Discovering an Online Casino utan Konto opened my eyes to a realm where I could bypass the usual hurdles. No more waiting for verification emails or going through the tedious process of providing my life’s history just to spin a roulette wheel. The simplicity is breathtaking. With just a deposit, I’m in. It’s like having a VIP pass to the best games online, without the red tape. This approach not only saves time but significantly enhances my gaming experience by removing unnecessary obstacles.

The technology behind this swift access is equally impressive. Utilizing secure, direct bank transfers, these casinos ensure that both my funds and personal information remain protected. It’s a relief knowing that the emphasis is on security and speed, two factors that don’t always go hand in hand in the digital realm. In a way, registration-free casinos have redefined my expectations of online gaming, setting a new standard for convenience and safety.

I’ve been particularly drawn to the diversity of games available. From classic slots to live table games, the variety is vast. And the best part? The transition between games is just as quick. There’s no lag or loading time to disrupt the flow of play. It feels like every game is just a click away, waiting for me to dive in.

Streamlined Gaming Experience

When I first ventured into the realm of Online Casino utan Konto, which translates to online casinos without an account from Swedish, I didn’t know what to expect. However, the experience was nothing short of transformative. The immediate access to games without the need to go through tedious registration formalities polished my gaming experience to a luster I hadn’t anticipated.

What stands out in these casinos is the hassle-free start. Imagine jumping straight into your favorite slots or table games seconds after visiting a website. That’s the reality here. There’s no rummaging through emails for verification links or inputting a laundry list of personal information. It’s all about getting you into the action as swiftly as possible. The efficiency of this approach not only saves time but significantly reduces any potential barriers between a player and their enjoyment.

The security aspect is another feather in its cap. With direct bank transfers acting as both verification and deposit method, concerns over privacy and financial security are drastically minimized. I’ve found this system to ensure a balance between ease of access and safeguarding players’ details. It’s a win-win.

Moreover, the breadth of games available is astounding. From classic slots to live dealer games, the variety ensures there’s something for everyone. The seamless transition from one game to another, without the need to logout or navigate cumbersome menus, enhances the gaming environment. This smooth gameplay experience keeps the focus on fun and excitement, exactly where it should be.

In embracing these registration-free platforms, I’ve noticed a significant uptick in gaming satisfaction. The combined elements of speed, security, and variety forge a gaming experience that’s not only efficient but thoroughly enjoyable.

Enhanced Privacy and Security

When I first ventured into the world of Online Casinos utan Konto, my primary concern was the safety of my personal and financial information. It’s a common worry among many players, but I’ve found that registration-free casinos offer an exceptional level of privacy and security that’s hard to match. Let me share why these platforms are a game-changer for those of us looking for secure and private online gaming experiences.

Firstly, the very nature of no-account casinos significantly reduces the risk of personal data breaches. Since you’re not required to provide sensitive information like your full name, address, or date of birth during the sign-up process, there’s less data at risk. This minimal data collection approach ensures that your privacy remains intact while enjoying your favorite casino games.

Another point worth highlighting is the use of secure and direct bank transfers facilitated by advanced encryption technologies. When I make a deposit or withdraw my winnings at an Online Casino utan Konto, I’m confident that my financial transactions are protected by robust security measures. These platforms often partner with reputable payment providers, ensuring that every transaction is safe and secure. This reliance on trustworthy payment methods not only bolsters security but also streamlines the payment process, making it faster and more efficient.

Moreover, the level of anonymity provided by registration-free casinos allows for a more relaxed gaming environment. There’s a certain peace of mind that comes with knowing your activities aren’t being tracked or monitored, giving you the freedom to enjoy your gaming sessions without worry.

The enhanced privacy and security features of Online Casinos utan Konto are standout aspects that have transformed my online gaming experience. The assurance of being able to play without exposing my personal and financial information to potential risks has made me a staunch advocate for these platforms. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the scene, I believe you’ll find the security and privacy measures of no-account casinos well worth the switch.

Making the Most of Your Entertainment Time

When I first ventured into the Online Casino utan Konto world, I was seeking not just entertainment but also efficiency. I’ve discovered that these registration-free casino experiences have significantly revolutionized the way I enjoy my downtime. Here’s how I make the most out of my entertainment time within these innovative platforms.

First, I’ve learned to appreciate the immediate access to games. Unlike traditional online casinos where the sign-up process can be time-consuming, these no-hassle casinos allow me to jump straight into action. This immediate access means I’m spending less time filling out forms and more time enjoying the games I love.

I also place a high value on security and privacy. By using Online Casino utan Konto, I’m not asked to share unnecessary personal information, minimizing the risk of privacy breaches. This reassurance allows me to focus on the fun without worrying about the safety of my data.

Another aspect I focus on is taking advantage of the variety of games available. These platforms are not just about slot machines; they offer a wide range of games like blackjack, roulette, and baccarat. I always explore different games to keep my gaming experience fresh and exciting.

Lastly, I pay attention to banking options. The use of secure and efficient banking methods means I can make quick deposits and withdrawals without hassle. This flexibility ensures that my gaming experience is smooth and uninterrupted.

Through these methods, I’ve found that I can maximize my entertainment time effortlessly, making every moment spent on Online Casino utan Konto platforms truly worthwhile. The ease of access, coupled with the secure environment, allows me to enjoy gaming without any concerns, truly embodying the no-hassle promise of these casinos.


I’ve found that registration-free casinos have truly changed the game for me. The immediate game access and minimal data sharing have not only saved time but also enhanced my overall entertainment experience. With a diverse range of games and secure banking options at my fingertips, I’ve been able to enjoy my downtime like never before. It’s clear that the convenience and security offered by platforms like Online Casinos utan Konto make them a superior choice for anyone looking to maximize their entertainment without the hassle.

Quick Wins, No Forms: How Instant Gambling Is Changing the Game

Imagine a world where you can dive into the thrill of gambling without the hassle of filling out endless forms or waiting for approvals. That’s the future of instant gambling, and it’s closer than you think. I’ve seen firsthand how the industry is shifting towards providing quicker, more accessible gaming experiences that cater to the modern player’s need for instant gratification.

Gone are the days of cumbersome registration processes and lengthy withdrawal times. Today, it’s all about getting in the game fast and cashing out even faster. I’ll take you through how instant gambling platforms are revolutionizing the way we play, making it easier than ever to score quick wins without the paperwork.

The Rise of Instant Gambling

In the rapidly evolving world of online gaming, I’ve noticed a significant shift toward instant gambling. This trend is transforming the industry, offering players quick wins without the hassle of lengthy registrations or waiting periods for withdrawals. A prime example of this is the concept of “Online Casino utan Konto” in Sweden, which translates to online casinos without accounts. This innovative approach allows players to dive straight into the action, bypassing traditional sign-up processes.

Instant gambling platforms are not just a fleeting trend; they’re a response to the modern gamer’s demand for efficiency and speed. With the integration of cutting-edge technology, these platforms have managed to eliminate the bureaucratic red tape that once bogged down the gaming experience. It’s a game-changer, pun intended, revolutionizing how we interact with online casinos.

The impact on the market has been profound. Instant gambling sites are gaining popularity at an astonishing rate, catering to a wide audience that values convenience above all. I’ve seen a surge in platforms offering this service, with many traditional online casinos scrambling to adapt. This competitive pressure has led to innovations aimed at making the gaming experience as seamless as possible.

What sets these instant gambling sites apart is their ability to offer fast cashouts. Gone are the days of waiting for days to withdraw winnings. Now, it’s possible to access your winnings almost as soon as you earn them. This instant gratification aspect has significantly contributed to the rise of instant gambling.

Security and trust have been paramount in this transition. Ensuring that players feel safe participating in online gambling without accounts has been a critical area of focus. Advanced encryption and verification processes have been implemented, making the gaming environment secure and trustworthy.

What fascinates me the most is how instant gambling has redefined the landscape of online gaming. It’s more than just a convenience; it’s about providing a streamlined and immersive gaming experience that meets the expectations of today’s players.

Streamlined User Experience

I’ve noticed a paradigm shift in how online gambling platforms operate, especially when it comes to user experience. Gone are the days of lengthy sign-ups and slow withdrawals. Players now demand a quick and easy entry to their gaming universe. This is where the concept of Online Casino utan Konto at Sweden has set a new benchmark. It translates to gambling without the need for creating an account, a feature that’s reshaping expectations globally.

When I first encountered instant gambling platforms, I was struck by their simplicity. These platforms are designed with user experience at their core. They eliminate traditional registration processes, allowing players to dive directly into the action. It’s a game-changer, literally. Banking technology plays a crucial role here, enabling secure and immediate transactions. This seamless integration means that I can deposit funds and start playing almost instantaneously, and when it’s time to withdraw, it’s just as fast.

Security is also paramount with these systems. Even though the hassle of account creation is removed, player safety isn’t compromised. Advanced encryption and anonymity ensure that my personal details remain safe from third parties. This has been a huge relief for me and many others who value our privacy online.

Another aspect that enhances the user experience is the variety of games available at the click of a button. Whether it’s slots, poker, or live dealer games, the absence of bulky registration processes means more time spent playing our favorite games. This immediacy and diversity have kept me coming back for more.

In addition, customer support hasn’t taken a backseat. Instant casinos have invested in robust support systems to assist with any queries or issues that might arise during gameplay. It’s reassuring to know that I can get help quickly and efficiently, further adding to the streamlined experience.

As I continue to explore the evolving landscape of online gambling, it’s clear that the future lies in platforms that prioritize quick wins with minimal disruptions. The rise of instant gambling is not just a trend; it’s a response to the desires of modern players for efficiency, speed, and simplicity.

Instant Payouts and Withdrawals

When I’m looking for a top-notch gaming experience, nothing beats the convenience of Instant Payouts and Withdrawals. It’s a game-changer, especially in the world of instant gambling. The shift towards more efficient payment methods means I no longer have to wait days to enjoy my winnings. Instead, the process is streamlined, making it both quick and hassle-free.

One standout feature I’ve noticed is the advent of Online Casino utan Konto in Sweden. This innovative concept eliminates the need for traditional account setups, allowing players like me to bypass lengthy registration forms. What truly sets these platforms apart, however, is their ability to process transactions almost instantly. Thanks to advances in banking technology, including the adoption of Trustly, gamers can enjoy their winnings with unprecedented speed.

Security is another major aspect that has seen significant improvements. Enhanced security protocols ensure that all transactions are not only fast but also incredibly safe. From deposit to withdrawal, every step is protected with state-of-the-art encryption, giving me peace of mind every time I play.

Here’s a quick overview of the benefits of instant payouts:

  • Efficiency: Transactions are completed in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods.
  • Convenience: No need to wait or follow up on pending withdrawals.
  • Security: Advanced encryption technology protects every transaction.

This evolution towards swift and secure transactions fundamentally enhances online gambling, aligning perfectly with the demand for instant gratification. As a player, it’s thrilling to see how these advancements in instant payouts and withdrawals contribute to a seamless and rewarding gaming experience.

Mobile Compatibility and Accessibility

In today’s fast-paced world, mobile compatibility and accessibility aren’t just features; they’re necessities. I’ve observed firsthand how Online Casino utan Konto and other instant gambling platforms prioritize seamless mobile experiences. This strategy ensures that players can dip into their favorite games, enjoy quick wins, and manage transactions on-the-go, without any hitches.

For me, the beauty of instant gambling explodes in its mobile adaptation. We’re talking about intuitive interfaces that make navigation a breeze, alongside responsive designs that fit perfectly on any screen size. This level of accessibility means I can easily switch from my desktop to my smartphone, ensuring that my gaming journey is uninterrupted, regardless of where I am or what device I’m using.

Another crucial aspect that strengthens mobile compatibility is the adoption of HTML5 technology. This tech ensures games load swiftly and run smoothly on mobile browsers, eliminating the need for dedicated apps that take up precious storage space. It’s a game-changer, quite literally.

Moreover, security protocols like SSL encryption are just as robust on mobile as they are on desktop platforms. This reassures me that whether I’m making a deposit or withdrawing my winnings, my financial details are safeguarded.

Instant gambling platforms have mastered the art of making life simpler for players. With advances in mobile technology and a keen emphasis on user experience, these sites prove that the future of online gambling lies in our hands—quite literally. As we move forward, I’m excited to see how these platforms evolve, ensuring even greater accessibility and convenience for players around the globe.

Embracing Instant Gratification

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of instant gratification is more appealing than ever before. As I delve into the future of instant gambling, it’s clear that platforms like Online Casino utan Konto are at the forefront of this revolution. They understand that today’s players aren’t just looking for quick wins; they’re also seeking effortless access and immediate satisfaction.

This shift towards instant gratification within the gambling industry is not just about speed; it’s about the quality of the user experience. I’ve seen how seamless registration processes, or the complete absence thereof, significantly enhance player engagement. No one wants to spend precious minutes filling out forms when those moments could be spent potentially earning big. The adoption of technologies that facilitate this, such as smart contracts and blockchain, underline the industry’s commitment to making gambling experiences as quick and secure as possible.

Moreover, the focus isn’t solely on how fast the games start but also on how smoothly they run. My experience with HTML5 technology, especially on mobile platforms, shows that games not only load quickly but also maintain stellar performance across devices. This is crucial because stalled games or lag can interrupt the feeling of instant gratification that players seek.

As we continue to embrace this wave of instant gratification, I’m excited to see how platforms like Online Casino utan Konto will continue to evolve. The emphasis on removing barriers and creating frictionless experiences is a testament to the industry’s innovation. By prioritizing player satisfaction through technology and user-centric design, the future of instant gambling is not just about playing; it’s about enjoying every moment of the experience, from login to cash out.


The shift towards instant gambling platforms like Online Casino utan Konto marks a significant evolution in the gaming industry. By prioritizing user experience, these platforms are not just changing how we gamble but are also setting a new standard for the future. With technologies like smart contracts and blockchain, the promise of quick, secure, and seamless gaming experiences is more than just a possibility—it’s becoming the norm. As we move forward, the emphasis on mobile optimization and player satisfaction will undoubtedly continue to shape the landscape of instant gambling. It’s an exciting time to be a part of this change, and I’m eager to see how these innovations will further enhance our gaming experiences.

Lencería hecha por empresaria guanajuatense conquista NY

Para sobrevivir en el mercado actual, las marcas están obligadas a ofrecer no solo productos de excelente calidad, también deben brindar innovación y dar ese toque “extra” que buscan los consumidores.

Bajo esta premisa, la diseñadora Fernanda Mena creó hace 2 años “Entos Lingerie”, un atelier en Guanajuato que confecciona lencería fina de una forma versátil e innovadora que brinda seguridad y empodera a las mujeres. 

“Son prendas muy versátiles que puedes utilizar como un vestido de noche, como una salida en traje de bajo, puede utilizarse con jeans y con un estilo casual o incluso puedes utilizar con lencería; entonces el que hayamos creado con prendas con muy buena calidad que tienen la misma calidad que las marcas HIGH END pero con un precio mucho más bajo y que puedan ser utilizadas de diferentes formas, hace que Entos sea una marca muy competitiva en el mercado”, comentó la también empresaria.

Fernanda trabajó hace unos años en Madrid con la diseñadora Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada y mientras aprendía sobre el negocio, tomó un curso intensivo de lencería y corsetería, para crear una marca de ropa lencerizada.

Productos #MadeInGto

Cada año acuden a París a la INTERFILIERE, feria internacional donde buscan proveedores para realizar sus confecciones en casa, con mano de obra 100% mexicana.

“El sueño de esto de poder crear nuestros propios productos siempre fue dar empleo a mujeres mexicanas, de hecho estoy la verdad muy orgullosa de lo que hemos podido lograr y el avance que hemos tenido como equipo aquí interno; todas las personas bueno casi todas son mujeres mexicanas, madres, entonces creo que pues las mujeres tenemos que dar mucho de nosotras mismas y las personas que trabajan conmigo lo dejan en el día a día y se ve reflejado su trabajo en la calidad de los productos”, puntualizó.

Lencería que traspasa fronteras

En febrero de este 2020, ENTOS expuso sus productos en CURVE, la Feria más grande de Norteamérica en lencería, y su éxito fue impresionante.  

“Pudimos exponernos con marcas internacionales, eran más de 300 y eligieron a las marcas más innovadoras a que hubiera un concurso que era un “teach off” en donde tu expones tu marca y dentro de las marcas que eligieron nosotros quedamos como la marca favorita de la feria de Nueva York y los que votaron fueron todos los compradores, entonces fue algo muy padre”.

Herramientas que rinden frutos

En su historia, COFOCE es un pilar muy importante para su crecimiento, pues todas las herramientas que les han brindado las han sabido capitalizar de la mejor forma.

“Estoy muy agradecida porque yo no conocía a COFOCE, la conocí por medio de un curso que tomé en el Tec de Fashion Marketing y nos ha apoyado como en diferentes rubros, dentro de ellos está el registro de marca en Estados Unidos, nos ha apoyado con presupuesto para marketing digital y la estrategia de toda la campaña, con presupuesto para la página web, nos apoyó con el 80% para el stand dentro de Curve; aparte de apoyo económico, nos han asesorado mucho, todo el personal, tienen un equipo muy capacitado increíble que nos ha apoyado sobre todo en consejos porque son áreas que nosotros no conocíamos y menos en un mercado americano, entonces toda la parte de la venta online, pues practicante nos han asesorado y también toda la parte legal y fiscal de cómo llevar la marca a Estados Unidos y esta vez que nos expusimos en curve, nos ayudaron un chorro con toda la logística”.

Entos Online

Actualmente la lencería de “Entos Lingerie” se vende online; además, cuentan con un showroom en Miami y sus prendas ya se comercializan en Houston a través de una Boutique multimarca.

“La verdad yo veo a Entos en Asia, en Meadle East. Desde que empecé el proyecto a mí me llamaba mucho la atención llegar a vender allá, pero ya una vez entrado en el mercado americano y de Europa, o sea sería mi tope. Poder diseñar y tropicalizar colecciones y tendencias para los diferentes lados del mundo; cada mercado es súper diferente todas las tendencias las tienes que tropicalizar lo que se vende, de acuerdo al usuario, y pues también no sé ahorita lo vimos mucho en Miami, el tipo de prendas que gustan allá no tienen nada que ver con lo que se vende en México, entonces es un poco adaptarse a cada mercado”. 

Entre las nuevas metas se encuentra vender sus productos en más estados de la Unión Americana, sueño en el que ya trabajan para poder cristalizar.

Avanza modernización del Paseo Solidaridad en Irapuato

  • Invierten cerca de 16 millones para su mejoramiento
  • Se moderniza tramo de Ejército Nacional a avenida CFE

Irapuato, Gto., a 08 de marzo de 2020.- Para dotar de vialidades de calidad y así mejorar la movilidad de personas, la Secretaría de Infraestructura, Conectividad y Movilidad (SICOM) lleva a cabo la tercera etapa de la modernización del bulevar Paseo Solidaridad en el municipio de Irapuato, obra en la que se invierten 15 millones 961 mil 444 pesos.

El proceso de modernización arrancó el pasado 10 de febrero, a casi un mes del inicio, las obras muestran un avance del 8.61%; la conclusión de la modernización de Paseo Solidaridad en su 3ª Etapa se tiene prevista para el próximo día 29 del mes de mayo, fecha en que la empresa contratista Espinosa Ingenieros Constructores S.A. de C.V. se comprometió, de acuerdo al contrato firmado, a terminar la obra.

En esta etapa se atienden 620 metros de la vialidad, que comprenden el tramo de la avenida Ejército Nacional a la avenida CFE en el cuerpo poniente, con una inversión cercana a los 16 millones de pesos, como se dijo en un principio.

Los trabajos que se realizan en la 3ª etapa incluyen pavimentación con losa de concreto hidráulico, construcción de banquetas y guarniciones también de concreto hidráulico, colocación de adoquín tipo holandés de color rojo, intervención en líneas de agua potable, drenaje sanitario y pluvial, así como reubicación de líneas de la CFE, acciones ambientales y colocación de señalamientos horizontales y verticales.

Cabe señalar que durante 2017 y 2018 se llevaron a cabo la primera y segunda etapas de la modernización del bulevar Paseo Solidaridad, con un inversión cercana a los 250 millones de pesos.

En la primera etapa se modernizaron 5 kilómetros de vialidad, en la segunda 1.1 kilómetros y en esta tercera serán 0.62 kilómetros, ello implica un total de 6.72 kilómetros de vialidad que ofrecerán mejores condiciones de traslado para los conductores que circulan por ese bulevar y para los peatones que caminan por sus banquetas. 

Se oficializa candidatura de León 2026 con depósito de garantía

Se oficializa candidatura de León 2026 con depósito de garantía
Será en este año la elección, se postula también Santo Domingo República

Con el objetivo de oficializar la candidatura de León para albergar la sede de Los Juegos
Centroamericanos y Del Caribe en la edición del Centenario 2026, Isaac Piña Valdivia,
Director de CODE Guanajuato, Roberto Elías Orozco, Director de COMUDE León y Mario
García Secretario del Comité Olímpico Mexicano entregaron el documento de la
transferencia bancaria por concepto de garantía que marca el cuaderno de cargos de la
Este sábado en el marco de la reunión ejecutiva del Comité Directivo de la Organización
Deportiva Centroamericana y Del Caribe, Piña Valdivia, García y Elías expusieron ante el
nuevo consejo, encabezado por su Presidente, Luis Mejía, los avances y bondades que
oferta León para albergar la sede del Centenario, también lo hizo la candidatura de Santo
Domingo, capital República Dominicana que de última hora levantó la mano para buscar la
De igual forma se entregaron las cartas de intención donde se remarca la importancia de
que sea México la sede de los Juegos del Centenario pues fue en nuestra nación donde
nació esta justa deportiva en el año 1926.
El Presidente de la Organización Deportiva Centroamericana y Del Caribe, Luis Mejía
destacó la importancia de que halla el interés de dos países por albergar los juegos, también
explicó que el siguiente paso será la visita de una comisión técnica a las ciudades
candidatas para finalmente reunir al pleno de la organización y llevar a cabo la votación
definitiva para definir si León o Santo Domingo organizarán los Juegos dentro de seis años.

Comunicación Social

Comisión de Deporte Del Estado de Guanajuato